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A Day in the Life: Sean from San Francisco Sean W., 30 Arts Administrator San Francisco, California 

8:00 am:Wakeup

9:00 am:Get ready for work.Catch-up on emails and reading

10:00 am:I typically start my day at work around this time. Onthis particular day I happen to be running a few errands before work around the neighborhood of my office as last-minute prep for an event I am producing that evening. I start it all off with a coffee from my favorite neighborhood coffee place and then meet up with my colleague to pick up some snacks and supplies for our team. 

11:00 am:After picking up supplies, I make it into the office for what will be a few short hours at my desk putting the finishing touches on my event for that evening. I finalize the guest list, make updates to the timeline, and make adjustments to the floor plan and then distribute it to my team.I then page a car via a mobile app and head out the door to the venue for the event which is in Oakland.

12:00 pm:I arrive in Oakland with my colleague and our first stop is for some food: tacos! We eatour lunch and then head to the venue where we are met by the venue staff and a few other members of our team. I lead a brief walk-through and then go over the timeline with everyone and divide up duties and responsibilities for the afternoon as we get prepared for launch.

1:00pm: At this point, many of our vendors begin arriving and I greet them and then hand them off to members of my team to handle. We end up having a last-minute change to the timeline that means we have to troubleshoot a few matters for the evening, soI spend much of this time on the phone with colleagues at our office trying to get someone from our end to help facilitate the change. 

2:00 pm:We’re putting on a show involving performers, including singers and musicians, and they are beginning to arrive for their rehearsal and sound-check. I get them settled in and do a quick walk-through of the venue with them while also talking through the night’s timeline. I get my technical crew, including sound and lighting engineers, lined up to begin the session.

3:00 pm:We start the sound-check and rehearsal. I’m on hand to observe and oversee that everything goes smoothly while also advising on production elements and changes to the script. 

4:00 pm:The rehearsal ends up going super smoothly and we finish early,around 

4:30 pm. Our photographer for the evening arrives and I end up rounding up all our team and artist s to take a group picture. 

5:00pm: Dinner time!I head out to pick up dinner for our team and artists and bring it back to the venue .

6:00 pm:Volunteers for our event begin arriving,and I’m on hand to help provide an orientation for the evening and to thank them for being there. I do a last-minute walk-through of the space before we open the doors and make requests for last-minute alterations.

7:00 pm:Doors open for our event and the crowd starts trickling in. I’m using this moment as an opportunity to decompress and head up to our green room to relax for a few minutes while my team gets everyone loaded in.

8:00 pm:Our show begins and I head back downstairs to oversee the performance and watch from our tech area so that I can relay any issues with sound or lighting to our engineers. The show goes smoothly and everyone in the crowd is having a great time! 

9:00 pm:The show wraps up and we have a massive ovation! I head downstairs to the stage and thank and hug each of the performers as they come off the stage.

10:00 pm:Guests are starting to depart,so we start to cleanup and load-out our equipment and materials. I end up doing quite a bit of sweeping myself and realize my skills with a broom are dismal!

11:00 pm:We get everything loaded into a car and out of the venue faster than we thought and so we head back to San Francisco to drop our materials off at the office.Midnight:After loading everything into our office, I head home and straight to bed but not before checking social media to see what feedback we got on our event for the night –all super positive, so I head to sleep feeling relieved and proud.


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