

(博谈网记者郑典编译报道)据《商业内幕》(The Business Insider)2017年5月16日(周二)报导:17 indispensable leadership quotes from post-9/11 generals







‌‌“Great powers don‌t get angrygreat powers dont make decisions hastily in a crisis.‌‌”

-约翰·艾伦将军,于2012年3月在阿富汗接受ABC新闻的Martha Raddatz采访时表示。


‌‌“If you‌re not ready the moment things happenthen youre irrelevant.‌‌”



‌‌“Clarity and simplicity are the antidotes to complexity and uncertainty.‌‌”



‌”You are not a profession just because you say you are. You have to earn it and re-earn it and re-evaluate it from time to time.‌‌“

-Martin Dempsey将军于2013年4月13日在领导丑闻方面向未来的将领和司令进行培训。


‌”No plan ever survived the first contact with the enemy.‌‌“



‌”Whatever goals we set for ourselveswe know we can go higher.‌‌“



‌”Be politebe professionalbut have a plan to kill everybody you meet.‌‌“



‌”Leaders can let you fail and yet not let you be a failure.‌‌“



‌”Our leaders can‌t feel compelled to tell their bosses what they want to hear.‌‌“



‌”You cant change the world alone —you will need some help —and to truly get from your starting point to your destination takes friendscolleaguesthe goodwill of strangers and a strong coxswain to guide them.‌‌“



‌”Too often we just look at these glistening successes. Behind them in manymany cases is failure along the wayand that doesn‌t get put into the Wikipedia story or the bio. Yet those failures teach you every bit as much as the successes.‌‌“



‌”All leaders will provide those in their charge sincere and concerned assistance with problems.‌‌“



‌”We must be expertand what I mean by that is leaders of great characterconfidenceand commitment. We must be innovative.‌‌“



‌”Live the life of a leader —Leaders are never off duty.‌‌“



‌”Committing to a particular goal publicly puts pressure on oneself. It becomes an enormous action-forcing mechanism and often helps you achieve more than you might have had you kept your goals to yourself.‌‌“

-David Petraeus将军于2010年5月与Vanity Fair进行有关动机的对话。


‌”There is a tremendous role for creativity in competition. Everyone has their own set of heroesleaders they would say epitomize leadership. …My experience with those leaders is they are constantly looking for ways to outfox their competitionthey are studying hardthey are experimentingthey are going everywhere it takes to find some way to win.‌‌“



‌”Leadership is a gift. Its given by those who follow. You have to be worthy of it.‌”




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